- Walking FootballWalking Football
- Football Fans in TrainingFootball Fans in Training
- Walking FootballWalking Football
- Saints CircuitsSaints Circuits
- Saints CircuitsSaints Circuits
- Fit FansFit Fans
- Football MemoriesFootball Memories
Community Projects
As a Charitable Trust, our most significant area of expansion, growth and innovation is in the area of socially beneficial projects. We work in partnership with a wide range of local and national organisations to harness the power of sport, and in particular football, to address local issues of real social need.
Our Community Projects fall under one of the below themes:
WELLBEING: to promote participation by providing activities designed to encourage physical activity and to promote health & wellbeing
- Health Walks
- Moving Through Menopause
- Walking Football
- Saints Circuits
- Football Memories
- Football Fans in Training
INCLUDING: to promote equality and inclusion by encouraging participation in programmes which target the disadvantaged and vulnerable
LEARNING: to advance education by providing a range of projects and activities designed to assist in the learning and development of life skills
Would you like to work in partnership with us? Contact us HERE