Saints in the Community
Following our statement on Friday 13th March, we now provide an update regarding our community programme timetable.
Under the guidance from Perth & Kinross Council and while schools are still open, our Saints Kidz football sessions will go ahead as planned this week. This includes:
- Soccer Monday
- 20/20 Programme
- ADHD+Sport - Basketball
- Soccer Wednesday
- Training & Goalkeeping Squads
- Mini Kidz
- Soccer Saturday
We will also continue to deliver The Wright Way education programme at Oakbank Primary.
The National recommendations around gatherings of people does not (at this stage) relate to the delivery of our community programmes for adults due to the smaller numbers involved. Please see below for our continuing timetable:
- SAINTS sports provision for adults with learning disabilities
- Mental Health & Wellbeing football
- Circuits
- Walking Football
Inevitably, there are some programme cancellations at this stage and these are as follows:
- ADHD+Sport – Jiu Jitsu
- ADHD+Sport Launch event
- Highland Perthshire ‘Fun Football’
- Club Support packages
- Football Memories
- Football Fans in Training
- Andy’s Man Club
We wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your understanding and support at this time. We are committed to the health & safety of our staff, volunteers, participants and members of the public. When such a time comes that we receive different instructions and guidance, we will not hesitate to act upon them.
We encourage all attendees to our Saints in the Community programmes to adhere to the “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it” routine and importantly:
- Children and adults DO NOT ATTEND programmes if presenting with symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, a cough, and/or breathing difficulties
- Follow handwashing guidelines
- Children and adults avoid shaking hands or embracing
Our decisions will be reviewed on a day-to-day basis and if things change, we will provide an update via email and our social media channels.
Atholl Henderson Chief Executive The St Johnstone Community Trust